Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yosakoi, an awesome dance !!!

One of the things I will definetelly miss is Yosakoi !!!
Since I moved here, I totally adore this powerful "Soran Soran" Yosakoi dance... and often I was in tears, when I danced it with the people here, because I was touched that I was so welcome here as a stranger...
It was a dance of the poor fisherpeople at the soran coast here and over the years it became a dance festival, where every group is allowed to modify the dance and the singing.
I totally love the variety of how this classical dance is interpreted every year and if I was younger I would love to take part. It's always such an adorable and touching event.
Here are the winners of 2009 and they really deserved it, but I must admit ALL of the groups were wonderful.


  1. Man sieht den Einfluss vom Meer in der Choreographie, wie Wellengang sieht das aus! Echt schön, je mehr Tänzer, desto besser :)
    Live sieht das bestimmt klasse aus!
    Grüßle, Kerstin

  2. Ja, Yosakoi ist echt toll... Vorallem, weil es alles Amateure sind, die das auffuehren. Manchmal mit ganz exotischen Kostuemen und einige ziehen sich im Tanz auch um und wechseln die Farbe dabei. Ich koennte da immer stundenlang zuschauen und am liebsten mittanzen :)
