Sunday, October 4, 2009


Here are some pictures of our mushroom-hunt.
We drove near Onuma and encountered masses of Amanita muscarina at frist. Those are poisenous, but beautiful.

Close to that spot we luckily found some Birch Boletus (Leccinum Scabrum) *yummy*

and going more deep into the forest, we got Suillus grevillei. Highly competitive in Hokkaido. It tastes wonderful with Miso-soup.

Last but not least, we got some Pholiota aurivella. Here people also eat it with soup, but in Germany nobody picks it. I ate it for the very first time today and it was delicious.

At the end, we went to a waterfall near Mori and it was a very beautiful scenery. I want to go there next Summer again and enjoy the cool air.


  1. I can't wait to see the paintings these fabulous photos are sure to inspire.

  2. Thank you so much Koko.
    I'm currently working on a 100% watercolor-pic, but the more I work on it, the more I realize, I should better stick to my own technique. Beside that I have sooo many new ideas in my head now. We have vacation here til Tuesday, so I will be out there, mushroom hunting and fishing again, but afterwards I should have a month, where I can go for almost non-stop painting *wheeeeh* !!! Can't wait !!!
