Friday, September 24, 2010

Photos from the exhibition

Before the opening yesterday, I took some photos of the exhibition.

It's always a great feeling to see the paintings, which are normally in a folder at home are hanging on a wall.

The opening day was wonderful... so many of my friends came and I also met some new people and had great fun talking with them. THANK YOU everybody for taking time to come and see my paintings there.
And I'm so happy, that I sold 3 paintings already...

And... I got such a wonderful surprise !!! Flowers from my great friends Erika and Udo !!!
I was deeply moved and happy beyond words about this great gift !!!


  1. So wonderful to see your beautiful paintings all framed and on display! :)

  2. Thank you so much, dear friend. I'm really enjoying this so much !!! Tomorrow, my relatives from Nagoya will come to the show, too... :D

  3. Hi Julia-san, Congratulations on the solo exhibition and sold your paintings.
    It's so great! I wish I live in Kobe to see your exhibition.

  4. Hi Mayumi-san,

    thank you so much !!!
    I'm always happy to hear from you. How are things in New York? Please let me know how you are doing.
    Yes, Unfortunatelly Kobe is far away, but if you want to do an exhibition in Fukuoka someday, please let me know. I already made contact with galleries there (in Tenjin). Anyway, please visit me, when you come to Fukuoka again :D

  5. Hi Julia, mensch, deine gerahmten Bilder sehen echt gut aus! Die müssen sich ja verkaufen ;-) Glückwunsch!

    Und auch noch komplett mit "Programmheftchen" *grins* Wirklich toll, ich wäre auch so gerne da gewesen - stattdessen gibt es einfach den nächsten Knuddler von mir, und ich drücke dir fest die Daumen, dass die Ausstellung ein voller Erfolg wird!

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Danke, liebe Kerstin *hugs*
    Hier ist gerade soooo viel los... momentan komme ich einfach nicht zum Malen. Ich hoffe, aber, dass es im November dann wieder ruhiger wird... ^^
