Thursday, May 10, 2012

Climbing Hikosan

During Golden week, we hiked at the highest mountain of Fukuoka, Hiko-san.
At first we took the monorail-car and already had a beautiful view over the other mountains.

Here you see the old Shirne near the entrance to the hiking-trail.
Due to an old Shinto legend, the child of Amaterasu, the sun-goddess,
descended as an eagle from heaven on this mountain.

The first 500 meters where quite tough, but after this, the remaining 1,5km where not so diffucult anymore.


An ancient stairway, which was used for pilgrims made it easy to hike.
Normally we mostly hike on narrow trails.

Anyway, the view was breathtaking and I also love to hike there once again in Autumn to see the different colors of the leaves.


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