Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Umi no hi 2011

Yesterday was a public holiday, "Umi no hi" which means "day of the sea". We had a long weekend and decided to drive to Nanayama (7 mountains). Here you see typical countryside-food with all kinds of herbs and vegetables from that area. It was less than 5 Euros and very delicious.

Beside the restaurant is a wild river. People use it as public bath and the kids had a lot of fun playing in the cool water.

Later we drove up the mountain to our fave spot...

I always love to visit the shrine there...

It's a nature resort and you can spot all different kinds of animals, flowers and plants there...

even some snakes, which try to catch the frogs there.

Later, heading back home, we found a great shop in one of the small villages... they sell all kinds of homemade smoked saussages, ham and other foods and won a lot of German awards. The shop is called Kunya http://www.kunya.net/
and they even have things like Zwiebelmettwurst. We will definettely go there again, because it tasted delicious !!!

Driving along the mountains gave us a beautiful view on the islands...

This is Fukuoka direction. It's difficult to show here, but behind one of those peninsulas and islands is out appartement.

In the mountains there are also some wild rivers and we want to go there during Summer vacation and have a picknick.

In the end we saw another stunning sunset. Before typhoons they are always totally amazing.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Koi and Sakura

Just finished this painting. My friend gave me wonderful hard paper to paint on and I wanted to try it out. This is the result... Koi and Sakura petals... done with airbrush, acrylics and watercolor on hard paper. Size is 29 x 44 cm
Original available.